This page describe step by step how to do a basic installation of Domestik server.
Lua is a lightweight, versatile and portage language. Having a very small footprint, it was the ideal language for writing Domestik's client.
Installing and configuring Lua is clearly out of the scope of this documentation. Have a look on your own OS documentation or here for Gentoo (in French).
Some modules are required :
If they are not packaged for your OS, you can install them manually using luarocks :
luarocks install luasocket
For security reason, create a dedicated user with reduced rights
useradd --comment "Domestik's user" --gid nogroup --system --no-user-group --shell /sbin/nologin --home-dir /dev/null domestik
Dowload the tarball from Sourceforge and install in in /usr/local (it will create /usr/local/Domestik).
Alternatively, you may use an SVN snapshot.
When Domestik daemon is starting, it scans /usr/local/Domestik/Client/Probes directory and load all probes it found. Consequently, if you want to disable a probe, simply move the related file to /usr/local/Domestik/Client/inactive_Probes and restart the daemon.
Probes for which the filename is starting with linux_* may be ... linux dependent. it's mostly because they are relying on procfs filesystem.
ProcFS also exists on other Unix flavors but I'm not sure same data are present : do the test and report thru a bug report or thru Domestik forum for compatibility ... or not.
Following probes need a special attention :
This probe will monitor hardware figures, using LM sensors. So you need first to install LM sensors and configure it for your system.
Then hardware sensors will be exposed in /sysfs and then integrated in Domestik.
Read carefully the LM_Sensors installation guide for your hardware and your operating system. Not correctly configured, LM_Sensors may damage your machine.
Based on discovered sensors and sysfs documentation, feed probes_list. For each probe, you have to provide 2 functions :
You can provide or a function, or the name of a function which is defined inside funcs table.
Be aware that sensors are not reachable on some system ... As example, Dell use proprietary methods to read internals.
The configuration provided for AK-47 motherboard that containing lot of sensors.
This probe allows to monitor the presence and resources consumed by some processes.
The configuration is done by the table process_tracking_list for which keys are process name. For each processes, 2 functions have to be provided :
You can provide or a function, or the name of a function which is defined inside funcs table.
Install hddtemp and start it in daemon mode.
Follows the following procedure :
# Notify smartd's errors
echo "$SMARTD_DEVICESTRING" "$SMARTD_MESSAGE" > /tmp/smartd.msg
DEVICESCAN -m <nomailer> -M exec /usr/local/share/
Logon on administrative page of Domestik's server and create an user for your host.
Each and every host MUST be uniquely identified, even for testing purposes : sharing host account will only mess your data.
Modify Client/dmkcheck & Client/dmkcheckd with the account you just created.
It's time to see if the configuration is working :
*I* Loading linux_memory ...
*I* Loading linux_cpuload ...
*I* Loading smart ...
*I* Loading filesystem ...
*I* Loading hddtemp ...
*E* Processing error : 200
The last line is the important one : 200 is the HTML return code to say "ok, operation successful". Any other return code means your facing a problem as in the following example :
*I* Loading linux_memory ...
*I* Loading linux_cpuload ...
*I* Loading hddtemp ...
*I* Loading linux_hardware ...
*I* Loading smart ...
*I* Loading filesystem ...
*E* Communication layer error - Return code : 401 *F* You must logon to access to this page
In this case, the password is probably wrong. Based on information you got after the error code ... be imaginative.
Some startup scripts are provided in .../Client/Share/startscript. Which script to use depend on your OS. And obviously the installation has to be done as root.
If for whatever reason you can't or don't want use starting script, you may :
As you can see, only few scripts are provided. If you wrote a new one, please share.
cp /usr/local/Domestik/Client/Share/startscript/dmkcheckd.openrc /etc/init.d/dmkcheckd
rc-update add dmkcheckd default
* service dmkcheckd added to runlevel default
And then finally ... launch it
/etc/init.d/dmkcheckd start
* Caching service dependencies ... [ ok ]
* Starting Domestik's daemon ... [ ok ]
cp /usr/local/Domestik/Client/Share/startscript/dmkcheckd.upstart /etc/init/dmkcheckd.conf
and launch it
start dmkcheckd
cp /usr/local/Domestik/Client/Share/startscript/dmkcheckd.lsb /etc/init.d/dmkcheckd
update-rc.d dmkcheckd defaults
And then finally ... launch it
/etc/init.d/dmkcheckd start * Starting Domestik monitoring tool daemon: dmkcheckd
Domestik's daemon will be launched only after network establishment. As a conclusion, if you're using Network Manager (which is the case of most user focused distributions), figures will be communicated only after an user logon.
LSB method doesn't work with Network Manager : the network is not ready when rc scripts are launched. The solution should be to create a custom script in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d
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