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Central configuration

Hard coded configuration will be overwritten every time you're updating Domestik's client.

To avoid that, you may create a file named /usr/local/Domestik/Client/configuration.lua and centralizing all clients configuration.

Content of this file has priority ; in other words, if you define DOMESTIK_USER here, content of dmkcheckd is ignored.


This is the configuration.lua for my Clevo i5 laptop is :


probes_list = {
temp1 = { "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input", "err_alarm", "normMilli" }

Connection informations

DOMESTIK_USER, DOMESTIK_SERVER, DOMESTIK_PROTOCOL and DOMESTIK_INTERVAL : overwrite Domestik's server connection informations used in dmkcheck and dmkcheckd.

Notez bien : if DOMESTIK_USER is redefined, all DOMESTIK_s have to be as well.


List of hardware probes. It share the same format as of Probes/linux_hardware.lua ... with the following differences :

Reason behind : functions are defined inside Probes/linux_hardware.lua only and consequently, they are undefined at the moment configuration.lua is loaded.

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