This page describes how to create a custom probe.
Here, we will build a probe that will track memory usage of Domestik's monitor.
On Linux, those information can be found in /proc file-system, especially in /proc/.../status. (Notez-bien : they are more easily available in /proc/.../statm but the corresponding field is marked as broken).
In this example, we are tracking only Domestik's monitor, but it's using resources of a more general probe named "process_tracking" at server side.
You can use or process_tracking or dmkc_tracking but not both at the same time.
Tasks to be done are the following :
It can be done by using LuaPosix getpid().
resulting to the following code :
and generating these data :
{ 'dmkcheckd' = { 'data' = "476" 'stack' = "136" } }
Notes : in order to be compatible with process_probe
return res, "process_tracking"
As we want to get some trends, data have to be stored inside a database.
CREATE TABLE Domestik.probe_process_tracking (
process TEXT NOT NULL,
stack INTEGER,
In addition to already known process, data and stack fields, we need
We need also to provide access to Apache's user
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE Domestik.probe_process_tracking TO www;
and add some indexes to speedup access
CREATE INDEX dmkppth ON Domestik.probe_process_tracking (host);
CREATE INDEX dmkppthm ON Domestik.probe_process_tracking (host, process);
We want also a long term storage thru archiving
CREATE TABLE Domestik.probe_process_tracking_archive (
process TEXT NOT NULL,
data_min REAL,
data_max REAL,
stack_min REAL,
stack_max REAL,
used_min REAL,
used_max REAL
We will store both minimum and maximum value for a period of time for each value, plus a new one, used, which is the sum of data and stack (as obviously, maximum used data is not max(stack) + max(data)).
As for live data, we need also to provide access to Apache's user and to do some indexing
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE Domestik.probe_process_tracking_archive TO www;
CREATE INDEX dmkpptah ON Domestik.probe_process_tracking_archive (host);
CREATE INDEX dmkpptahm ON Domestik.probe_process_tracking_archive (host, process);
This file defines a class which implements the way Domestik handles data.
It's inheriting from Probe class, an abstract class which defines the interface of each probes vs Domestik engine. Our probe class skeleton is
class probe_process_tracking extends Probe {
and this class has to contains following methods
Arguments are :
Return a boolean : true for success, false if something went wrong.
function NewSample($machine, $data, $sample_time){
$res = true;
foreach($data as $process => $dt){ // walk against $data
$res = $res and $this->getContext()->dbInsert('probe_process_tracking',
array( 'host'=>$machine->getName(), 'process'=>$process,
'data'=>$dt['data'], 'stack'=>$dt['stack'],
return $res;
For the moment, $host is only used to segregate action by host (as explained in Data Life Cycle page, it helps to ensure last data are kept in case of crashes). But, it way be used in the future to have different archiving and purging policy per monitored host.
Argument :
Compute archived data older than the day before.
Argument :
Remove archived data older than 1 month.
Argument :
This method returns the list of monitored process for a specific host.
function StoredData( $machine ){
if( !( $res = $this->getContext()->dbSelect('probe_process_tracking', array('process'), array('host'=>$machine->getName()), array('process'=>true), true))) // 0 entry or error
return false;
foreach( $res as $d )
$r[] = $d['process'];
return $r;
Arguments :
Please have a look .../Server/Include/Domestik/Probes/ for the implementation which is quite complex as we are handling several processes and not only dmkcheckd.
And the result is :
Argument :
This method returns the list of archived process for a specific host. It's basically the same code as StoredData() but dealing archive table.
function StoredData( $machine ){
if( !( $res = $this->getContext()->dbSelect('probe_process_tracking_archive', array('process'), array('host'=>$machine->getName()), array('process'=>true), true))) // 0 entry or error
return false;
foreach( $res as $d )
$r[] = $d['process'];
return $r;
It's more or less the same code as getStoredData() but dealing with archived data and generate ranges.
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