This chapter describes how to install Geppetto Puppets part.
The first obvious step is to install Geppetto's media :
The copy Client directory where you want Geppetto to be installed. Suggested place is
In this document, ${Geppetto_InstallDir} stands for the directory where Geppetto was installed.
Even if Geppetto's puppet can run as any user (and it's totally unwise to run it as root, obviously), it's strongly suggested to created a dedicated user, puppet, for security purposes.
On linux machine, you can use following commands :
useradd -c "Geppetto's puppet user" -s /sbin/nologin --no-create-home -d /tmp --system puppet
and as this user will have to launch some cron
gpasswd -a puppet cron
Depending on your system's cron and security rules applied, you may have also to add puppet user in /etc/cron.allow ... to allow this user to launch its own task.
Geppetto's puppet is basically a script which has to be launched on regular basis to query the puppeteer about waiting tasks. 2 versions of this script is provided as bellow :
LUA is Geppetto's preferred puppet version as the time of writing for 2 main reasons :
So you need LUA installed (I'm using version 5.1.4 as the time of writing) with both Socket and Soap extension installed.
The first version of Geppetto's puppet was in PHP. But, as my park is now mostly Gentoo based, it's heavy for me to maintain both small PHP CLI version for puppets and full featured version for my webserver.
To run PHP puppet, you need CLI version of PHP 5 (or more) installed with at least SOAP extension.
If you're working to improve Geppetto, it is strongly advised to use this PHP version.
Raison behind is Lua is currently not dealing with WSDL information. So if you modify webServices, changes will be automatically reflected in PHP whereas you'll have to change manually calls in Lua version.
You have now to configure you Puppet to let it know how to contact its puppeteer.
The configuration has to be done in the file ${Geppetto_InstallDir}/.geppetto_lua where you have to configure following variables :
The configuration has to be done in the file ${Geppetto_InstallDir}/.geppetto where you have to configure following variables :
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