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Geppetto server installation

This chapter describes how to install Geppetto Puppeteer part.

The first obvious step is to install Geppetto's media :

The copy Server directory where you want Geppetto to be installed. Suggested place is


In this document, ${Geppetto_InstallDir} stands for the directory where Geppetto was installed. 



Create database schema and object Configure database parameters in Geppetto's context

web server's configuration

Geppetto web server alias Scriptaculous

Application's configuration

The application is configured uniquely in file ${Geppetto_InstallDir}/Server/Include/Geppetto/context.inc

User interface Optional HTML headers

Your first (and mandatory) administrative task

During the installation default 'Admin' account has been created with password 'Admin'.

Obviously, it's a big security hole so before starting, your first task will be to create your own admin account and then disable provided Admin user.

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