${Geppetto_InstallDir}/Server/Include/Geppetto/Context.inc contains the entire database access code to the inner database. Provided one is for PostgreSQL database, so if it's the database you're using you may have only to change DB connectivity parameters.
const DBNAME = 'www'; // DB to connect to const DBPERSISTENT = true; // Persistent connection (strongly suggested) const DBOPTS = ''; // DB connect options (see DB's documentation)
Notez-bien : if you port Geppetto to another database, as per GPLv3 licensing, you have to share your changes for inclusion in the project mainline. I strongly suggest in this case to rename Context.inc file as :
Then, in the installation document, a softlink will be requested to activate the correct database as per users' configuration.
I.e :
ln -s Context_PostgreSQL.inc Context.inc
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